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We can now look back on 75 years of experience as a plastics processor. These years are characterized by a tireless pioneering spirit – above all by our founder Hans Keim. This has enabled the family business to quickly develop into one of the market leaders in the industry.

The processes developed far in the past still influence today’s processing methods and the standard of this industry.

The Main Events of our History

Founding of Hascher & Keim Chemie by Hans Keim and Emil Hascher. Production and distribution of hygiene, detergent and cleaning agents such as Hascherpur.

Founding of Hans Keim Kunststoffe GmbH in Warmbronn. The first experiments from the 1950s form the basis for today’s processing methods and the foundation for the entire development of the family business.

The second location: Zimmern ob Rottweil. The company grows and prospers. To increase production capacity, the plant in Zimmern ob Rottweil is opened. This expands the sales area into the entire southern German region and neighboring countries.

The tragic loss of Hans Keim, founder of the family business.

The location in Zimmern is doubled down by a new building.

The location in Zimmern is again significantly expanded.

The production and storage areas in Warmbronn are further expanded.

Additional space is purchased at the Zimmern site. The existing site is now almost doubled in size.

Christoph Keim joins the operative business as managing partner.

The business shares are taken over by Christoph Keim and Bärbel Hahn-Wörnle. Thus, the company remains what it has always been: a family business. With this step, the company remains in the hands of Hans Keim’s children and continues to be managed within the family circle.

The Zimmern plant becomes the sole location: Innovation and modernization take hold in Zimmern. From now on, a fully automated warehouse with integrated processing center operates. The site is geared towards industrial production. The plant in Warmbronn is closed. Now, at the latest, the future begins.

A new warehouse is inaugurated to increase capacities once again.

This is how the story continues.

Every company has to face challenges. Continues to evolve. Pioneering spirit and consistency live in this company since its foundation in the post-war period. We cannot rest on the past: We must and will continue to stand out through innovation and thus continue to be a pioneer in the area of plastics processing.

Christoph Keim

Managing Partner

Our family business has accompanied me since my early youth. And with it the traditional consistency, pioneering spirit, entrepreneurship and the sense of responsibility that goes with it.

However, I always wanted to gain my personal entrepreneurial experiences on my own. I started doing this while I was still at university – at that time importing classic US vehicles. Later, I built a group of companies in the mobile communications industry – consisting of a distributor, logistics, service provider and store chain.

In every family business, the question of the future and the next generation arises at some point. The joint family decision to hand over the exciting and responsible company management to me fills me with great pride, every day. With its very own challenges and opportunities of the present days.

Since 2016, I have been doing everything I can to continue to consistently align the company with the specific, future industry needs of our customers. This also includes successively adapting our state-of-the-art production to future requirements that the digital age may yet bring.

Our mission: Merging tradition with industrial manufacturing.

Feel free to visit me on LinkedIn and network with me. I personally maintain LinkedIn and am always happy to hear from exciting contacts.