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Our Service Areas

We are a holistic partner for all concerns around the development and production of plastic parts. Therefore, we cover a wide variety of service areas and challenges. No matter in which phase you are, how complex and elaborate your project is or how high the quantity of the to be produced parts is – Keim Kunststoffe is the right partner for you.

Our service areas include:

Design and


Manufacturing of


Manufacturing of



Series Production

Support in
Design and

The foundation for efficient manufacturing is laid in the development and design phase. Early involvement of our subject matter experts leads to time and cost reductions throughout the entire process. Additional iterations can be avoided as specific expertise for manufacturing issues is considered from the beginning.

This way, we ensure that your product not only meets all technical, optical and legal requirements theoretically, but can also be manufactured cost-effectively and delivered just-in-time to the real world. Put our 75 years of cross-industry experience to work for you – we’re here to help you.

With Prototypes towards Series Production

Every series production of a plastic part is preceded by the construction of a prototype. Regardless of whether it is a large or small series. A pre-series (prototype and/or pilot series) ensures flawless series production in the required and desired quality. We support you with our decades of expertise from prototype construction and series production right from the beginning. We are at home in both worlds. Flexibility in prototyping and efficiency as well as quality in series production – synergy does not have to be created, it already exists! Talk to us about your project.

Stunning One-Offs made of Plastic

Unique one-off products are often complex and leave no room for deviation because iterations are not provided for. An increased need for clarification is usually accompanied by increased costs in production – due to much lower machine utilization than in a series production.

Our flexible machine and system management allows us to optimize the utilization of our machinery while maintaining maximum flexibility for one-offs and prototypes. In the long term, this leads to maximum output at lower costs. The advantage for you: single pieces can be manufactured quickly and cost-efficiently. Trust in 75 years of experience paired with state-of-the-art technology.

Series Production for your Plastic Parts

Unser State-of-the-Art Maschinenpark mit flexiblem Maschinen- und Anlagenmanagement ermöglicht eine anforderungsspezfische, skalierbare Produktion für unsere Kunden. Von Klein- bis Großserie. Beständige Qualität und Liefertreue sind unser Trumpf. 

Für die bedarfsgerechte Kleinserienproduktion bieten wir neben allen gängigen Verfahren auch explizit Spritzgussverfahren und Tiefziehen an. Das reduziert die Kosten für Kleinserien durch geringere Werkzeugkosten.

Wirtschaftliche Losgrößen sowie Sonder- und Umlaufverpackungen gehören bei uns zum Supply Chain Management ebenso dazu wie kundenorientierte Lagerhaltung und Just-in-Time Anlieferung. Wir tun alles, um eine optimale Zuführung der gefertigten Bauteile bzw. Baugruppen an Ihre Prozesskette zu gewährleisten. Gerne erstellen wir eine spezifische Offerte, abgestimmt auf Ihre Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse. Gehen Sie auf Nummer Sicher. Bauen Sie auf unsere 75-jährige Erfahrung als führender Kunststoffverarbeiter mit großen, international agierenden Kunden.

Baugruppenfertigung gemäß Ihren Anforderungen

Die Produktion von Baugruppen kann auch im Verbund von kundenspezifischen Kunststofferzeugnissen mit verschiedensten Komponenten erfolgen. Der Verbund kann hierbei durch eine mechanische Verbindung oder durch eine klebetechnische Permanentverbindung oder ggf. der Kombination aus beidem hergestellt werden.

Bei der mechanischen Verbindung werden Profile und/oder Rahmen mittels Schraub-, Steck- oder Klemmverbindungen präzise zusammengefügt. Diese Verbindungsart kann als lösbare Verbindung sowie auch als unlösbare Verbindung mittels Sicherungstechnik hergestellt werden.

Bei der klebetechnischen Verbindung kommen unterschiedlichste Lösungs- oder Komponentenkleber sowie eigens entwickelte Klebstoffrezepturen zum Einsatz. Diese muss speziell auf die Anforderungen, die Verwendung der Baugruppe und deren Umgebung abgestimmt sein. Die klebetechnische Verbindung gilt als unlösbare Verbindung.

Mit diesen Verbindungsarten gelingt der exakte Verbund von unseren Kunststofferzeugnissen mit den verschiedensten Materialien wie Edelstahl/Stahl, NE-Metalle (z.B. Aluminium, Messing, Kupfer), Holz, Glas und anderen Kunststoffen, welche wir als vollständige Baugruppe liefern.“

This is what sets us apart


Since 1946, and thus for 75 years, we have been engaged in the processing of plastics. Attributes such as stability, resilience and durability coupled with innovation represent our values – just like the products we manufacture.


Logistics and warehousing have changed a lot – and we have adapted with them. Supply chain management, lean production and just-in-time are no foreign words to us in our interactions with national and global customers!


We do not rely on our history: the procedures, methods and processes of our customers are constantly evolving, just as we are. We see ourselves as pioneers in plastics processing. Today more than ever.



Transparency is a cornerstone of our communication – your responsible expert advisor with an industry focus coordinates all project-relevant tasks as well as details. Whenever necessary, we call in additional resources and know-how for you.

These companies put their trust in us

And in some cases, have so for many decades.

Keim Kunststoffe at a Glance

75 years of Experience with over 7500 Projects in over 100 Industries

Cooperations with Universities and Research Institutes


ISO 9001 zertifiziert & weitere Zertifizierungen stehen bevor

Training Company and Co-Designer of Training Examinations


We use a diverse range of plastics and composite processing methods to achieve the optimum end result for you. Our modern machinery for mechanical and thermal processing methods make this possible.


The material follows the function of your application. Your requirements determine the material. We advise and support you in taking the right decision. Whether acrylic glass, polycarbonate, polyethylene terephthalate or even requirement-specific mixtures for your needs – we ensure that the right material is used for your products.


You want a special look with a stunning WOW effect? We show you what is feasible, from “crystalline” surfaces to “self-luminous” objects. We are happy to illuminate, print and coat our products for you.

Schedule an appointment
with a plastics expert.

Book an appointment that works for you and talk to one of our plastics experts about your project – with no obligations.